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Anxiety Assessment

Computerized psychological assessments

Assessment of cognitive skills
Analytical reasoning
The test assesses a person's ability to produce new information by combining existing information. The first part of the test measures the ability to discover rules and use them to solve problems (inductive reasoning), and the second part measures the ability to draw correct conclusions, starting from different statements (deductive reasoning).

Evaluation of emotions and behaviors
The PDSQ questionnaire
The questionnaire assesses your emotions, moods, thoughts and behaviors.

The test assesses your reactions and attitudes regarding a situation that concerns you at the moment. These reactions and attitudes reflect the current subjective state of anxiety towards the situation to which you have referred.

This test measures how you perceive the situation that concerns you at the moment (and which you referred to in the previous test, EMAS-STATE).

This test measures your typical reactions to four distinct types of situations: social evaluation, physical danger, novel or ambiguous situations, and ordinary, daily routine situations. The results indicate in which of the four domains you show a relatively weak predisposition (a trait) to react anxiously (ie, to worry excessively, to feel restless, tense, fearful

This test measures how you perceive the situation that concerns you at the moment, being a complement to the EMAS-PERCEPTION scale.

This test measures your typical reactions to four distinct types of situations: separation from loved ones, self-disclosure to a family member, self-disclosure to a close friend, social evaluation. The results indicate in which of the four areas of interpersonal relationships you exhibit a relatively weak predisposition (a trait) to react anxiously (ie, to worry excessively, to feel restless, tense, fearful, etc.).

CASE-SF scales
This questionnaire assesses your emotions, moods, thoughts and behaviours. Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3). This inventory is a self-assessment tool of psychological traits and clinically relevant symptoms for the development and maintenance of eating disorders.

Evaluation of personality and attitudes
Profile of Emotional Distress (PED)
This scale measures the presence of negative emotions (anxiety, worry, depression, sadness) in the last two weeks.

Personal Autonomy Questionnaire (PA)
The questionnaire evaluates a person's ability to control their own life and the feeling that there is an opportunity to exercise this control. ZKPQ questionnaire
The questionnaire assesses a number of personality traits, with an emphasis on temperamental characteristics.

The explanatory style questionnaire
The questionnaire assesses a person's usual way of explaining the events they face in their life.

Self Unconditional Acceptance Scale (USAQ)
This scale measures the level at which a person values himself, regardless of his behaviors or performances and regardless of the judgment of others.

Cognitive Schemas Questionnaire (YSQ-3)
This questionnaire assesses a person's general beliefs about themselves and their relationships with others, and which are responsible for generating a negative emotional state and unfavorable consequences. These deep-seated beliefs are called maladaptive cognitive schemas.

Cognitive-Emotional Coping Questionnaire (CERQ)
This questionnaire allows the identification of strategies used to cope with negative events or situations.

Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (SACS)
This questionnaire assesses how people react behaviorally when faced with a stressful problem/situation.

Mental health assessment
Penn State Self-Rating Worry Scale (PSWQ)
This scale assesses the individual's tendency to worry, as well as his attitude towards
own concerns.

7-item self-report scale of generalized anxiety symptoms (GAD7)
This scale measures a number of symptoms characteristic of generalized anxiety.
Liebowitz Self-Rating Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS-SR)
This scale measures the level of anxiety and avoidance that the individual reports in a variety of social situations.

Self-rating scale of social interaction and performance anxiety in contexts social (SIAS6-SPS6)
This scale measures a number of symptoms specific to social anxiety.

Self-Rating Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale – Short Form (BFNE-S)
This scale investigates the individual's fear of being negatively evaluated by other people.

Yale-Brown Obsessions and Compulsions Scale (Y-BOCS)
This scale measures the severity of symptoms specific to obsessive compulsive disorder.

9-item self-report scale of depressive symptoms (PHQ9)
This scale measures a number of symptoms characteristic of depression.

Self-Assessment Scale of Perceived Stress Level (PSS-10)
This questionnaire assesses the level of perceived stress.

Work and Social Adjustment Assessment Scale (WSAS)
This scale evaluates the level of impairment of the ability to work, the ability to perform household tasks, social and private activities during free time, and interpersonal relationships.

Work and Social Adjustment Scale for Depression (WSAS-D)
This scale evaluates the level of impairment of the ability to work, the ability to perform household tasks, social and private activities during free time, and interpersonal relationships.

Agoraphobic Cognitions Rating Scale (ACQ)

This scale assesses agoraphobic cognitions that may occur in individuals with anxiety disorders. The scale measures two factors: preoccupation with loss of control and preoccupation with physiological sensations.

Physiological Sensation Rating Scale (BSQ)
This scale assesses fear of physiological sensations that may occur in people with anxiety disorders.

Panic Disorder Severity Rating Scale (PDSS-SR)
This scale assesses the frequency and intensity of the following components of panic disorder: panic attacks, anticipatory anxiety, agoraphobic fear and avoidance, fear of physiological sensations, impairment of social and work functioning.

Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (PTCI)
This scale measures the thoughts one may have after experiencing a traumatic event.

PTSD Diagnostic Scale (PTSD)
This scale measures the severity of posttraumatic stress symptoms and allows establishing a clinical diagnosis.

Office of Psychology Oradea Sella Andre