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Sella Andre
Master in Business Administration
The Master's program in business administration is adapted from similar ones from the best business schools in the world. UBB collaborates with the most important companies in Cluj-Napoca, offering courses designed based on the requirements and recommendations of the business environment. Students learn the basics of marketing, management, economics, finance and accounting to understand how a company works.
Master in Clinical Psychology, Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy
This program provides solid academic and practical training, focusing on the theory and practical approaches of psychotherapy. The primary goal of the program is to prepare students to practice psychotherapy in an ethical, responsible, and effective manner.
Graduated in Psychology
The curriculum of the Faculty of Psychology is designed to develop critical and analytical skills, of communication, analysis and evaluation, to promote the complex understanding of the psychological factors underlying human behavior.
General Manager – Negroponte SRL
Representative – MOL Romania Petroleum Products SRL
Languages spoken
Individual Psychology Office
The Cabinet is a place of support and personal growth, where you will develop your skills in self-reflection, managing emotions and building healthy relationships. The ultimate goal of seeing a therapist is to help improve your well-being and quality of life by giving you the tools you need to reach your full potential and enjoy a balanced and fulfilling life.
Founding member
"Media Studio Act Center"
Studio ACT is a vibrant and accessible space, a friendly and inclusive environment where all those interested in art can connect, learn and create together. Studio Act continues to explore new artistic and personal development directions to inspire and bring joy to the Oradea community.